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Terms and Conditions of Sale:


1. Characteristics of the Parties​:


Lorentz Ivorra, Sole Trader (Legal Notice)

SIRET: 908 959 315 00015


2.Characteristics of the Services:


Vocal coaching includes the development of the student's vocal technique through targeted exercises and application through a song; support in developing stage expression and interpretation; assistance in the student's artistic endeavors for creating their artistic identity and developing their musical projects.

Communication coaching involves developing vocal abilities and vocal placement in relation to spoken voice, oral expression, and eloquence through exercises inspired by singing and theater. This also includes professional role-playing and learning tools for speech and interpersonal communication.

The workshops may have specific themes in technical development of singing or eloquence, but they may also be generic workshops aiming to address all aspects of the aforementioned support in a grouped manner.

These services are conducted in rehearsal studios and are open to French, English, and Spanish speakers.


3. Prices:


Prices for vocal coaching per hour for individuals:


€60 per hour including VAT. Coaching sessions take place in studios.


Prices for oral communication coaching per hour for individuals:


€120 for 2 hours including VAT. Coaching sessions take place in studios or at home. Possible Package: 5 sessions of 2 hours at €520 including VAT; 10 sessions at €1000 including VAT.


Prices for one-off workshops:


Varies depending on the type, duration, location, etc. It is announced on the workshop page and through its communication channels, as well as on the pre-submission form.


Lorentz Ivorra reserves the right to modify the prices of services displayed in its general terms and conditions of sale at any time and to correct any price errors that may occur inadvertently. Any price changes will not affect orders that have already been accepted by Lorentz Ivorra. In the event of a pricing error, you will be informed of the error and given the option to proceed with the transaction at the correct price or to cancel your order without charge.


4. Payment Terms:


Each service will be invoiced with the corresponding amount. Payment for the service is made in cash or by bank transfer. A payment method by grouping courses or at the end of the month may be determined in advance on a case-by-case basis.

For individual vocal or communication coaching services: After the provision of the service, the client must settle the invoice within a maximum period of 30 days.

For course packages, payment must be made in advance and payment must be received no later than 48 hours before the date of the first coaching session, otherwise all services may be canceled.

This condition also applies to one-off workshops. It is also notified in the registration forms provided to each participant and is necessary for their participation.

No refunds are possible once the first coaching session has passed, regardless of the nature of the service (individual session, course package, workshops, etc.).

After the payment deadline indicated above and on the invoice, late payment interest will be applied according to the following scale:

Late payment interest for professionals = amount due (VAT included) X 25% X (number of days late / 365)

Late payment interest for individuals = amount due (VAT included) X legal interest rate X (number of days late following the formal notice / 365)

For professionals, late payment will also result in a fixed compensation indemnity of €40 for recovery costs, as provided by law.


5. Booking and Cancellation Terms:


Services will be booked only after either a phone call or a text message to, or via a message on Lorentz Ivorra's official social media channels, or by email at These exchanges can be conducted in French, English, or Spanish.

All booked services will be confirmed by an email from Lorentz Ivorra, which will indicate: the client's name, date, time, duration, price, nature of the service, possible cooling-off period, consequences in case of late cancellation.

If Lorentz Ivorra cancels the service and payment has already been made by the individual, a full refund is due and will be made within the week following the date of the service at the latest.

For individual vocal or communication coaching services: Any service can be canceled free of charge up to 48 hours before the reserved date and time of the service. In case of cancellation less than 48 hours before the reserved date and time of the service, the full amount corresponding to the service is due. This amount must be paid within the week following the late cancellation. Otherwise, late payment interest will be applied under the same conditions as mentioned above.

Cancellations must be made by phone at 06 19 04 32 08 and by email at to confirm the effective cancellation of the service. In the absence of a call and/or email, the cancellation will be deemed nonexistent.


6. Dispute Resolution:


In case of dispute, both the individual and the provider can resort to legal mediation or the judicial tribunal. The applicable law is French law and the French court has jurisdiction to hear disputes arising from this contractual relationship.

The provider, as well as the individual, may also use the European Online Dispute Resolution platform here.

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